Our Qualifications
Daniel G. Mazzola, CFA, CPA
Written tax and investment articles for the:
Barrons: "A Simple Tale of Carried Interest"
TAXStringer: "Maintaining Beneficial Tax Treatment of Employer Stock After Job Loss"
CPA Journal: "Michael Lewis's Disservice to Wary Stock Market Investors"
NYS Society of CPA's: "Smarter Social Security: Survivor Benefits"
NYS Society of CPA's: "Understanding the Spousal Benefits of Social Security"
NYSSCPA's Trusted Professional: "A Changing Landscape: Legal Aid"
CPA Journal: "A Universal Fiduciary Standard"
Suffolk County Chapter of CPA's: "Taxation Without Representation and the Jock Tax"
Accounting Today: "Obama Plans 'MyRA' Retirement Savings Accounts" (comments)
TAXStringer: "The Nitty-Gritty of the ACA"
Accounting Web: "Bonds - The Forgotten Step Child"
Video Clip
CPA Looks at How to Keeps Costs Low for Health Insurance Under ACA (click to view clip)